KariAnne Vrabel, Ph.D.
Leder av Forskningsinstituttet / Førsteamanuensis II Universitetet i Oslo
Research leader, Specialist in clinical psychology, Associate professor
Anxiety disorders:
Roger Hagen, Ph.D.
Part-time senior researcher
Clinical psychologist, professor in clinical psychology
Burnout and prevention:
Ingrid Marie Taxt Horne, Ph.D.
Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist
Depression and affective disorders:
Ingvild Finsrud, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Pål Gunnar Ulvenes, Ph.D.
Klinikkleder / Førsteamanuensis II Universitetet i Oslo
Head of Clinic, Associate Professor at University of Oslo
Eating disorders:
Hanna Punsvik Eielsen, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
KariAnne Vrabel, Ph.D.
Leder av Forskningsinstituttet / Førsteamanuensis II Universitetet i Oslo
Research leader, Specialist in clinical psychology, Associate professor
Epidemiological studies:
Family and relational problems:
Trauma disorders:
Harald Bækkelund, Ph.D.
Part-time senior researcher, Clinical psychologist
Head of Research at NKVTS, Section for Implementation and treatment research