About the Research Institute
The Research Institute at Modum Bad, Gordon Johnsen’s foundation, was established in 1985. Modum Bad’s unique context of offering intensive treatment in a clinic over approximately three months, gives us the opportunity to carry out research projects that can follow therapy development closely during their stay, as well as by follow-up investigations.
Feedback systems
Increased use of feedback systems during the course of treatment gives us the opportunity to use collected data in the treatment as clinical feedback on treatment progression and progress. The same data is aggregated at group level for research purposes that enable us to gain more knowledge about effective mechanisms in the treatment.
Modum Bad has, over time used several types of feedback systems (for example OQ-45 and STIC). We have also developed a separate electronic system called Modum Process Outcome Questionnaire – MPOQ) which is now implemented in all clinical departments for both clinical and research purposes.
MPOQ will probably also be suitable in other treatment contexts, and we aim for collaboration and experience from different treatment sites to make the necessary adjustments to the system. CheckWare is our partner for electronic collection and processing/ reporting of data.
Close cooperation
The close collaboration between research and clinic that we have established at Modum Bad means that research is increasingly integrated as a natural part of the treatment. Our unique context, as well as production of publications and doctoral degrees at a high international level over several years, gives the Research Institute recognition from leading psychotherapy environments nationally and internationally.
Doctoral dissertations
Since its inception in 1985, 28 doctoral dissertations have been published by the Research Institute on the topics of anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, trauma disorders, physical activity and mental disorders, couple and family therapy, doctors’ health, and existential themes / religion psychology. Within these areas, Modum Bad has developed solid academic competence.
- The organization has 2 full-time senior researchers and 4 part-time senior researchers, totaling 2.7 full-time equivalents
- 11 PhD candidates
- 1 administrative consultant
Historically we have completed on average of one doctoral degree per year. Read more about our researchers.