Nr. 32: Hanna Punsvik Eielsen (2024). “Longstanding eating disorders and personality disorders, mediators for 17-year long-term outcome”
Nr. 31: Omid Vakili Ebrahimi (2024). “The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Critical Incident and its Impact on Depression”
Nr. 30: Kristoffer J. Whittaker (2024). Do couples and families with histories of trauma need tailored therapy?
Read more about the doctoral project here.
Nr. 29: Ingrid Marie Taxt Horne (2024). Understanding peer support for doctors
Read more about the doctoral project here.
Nr. 28: Ingvild Finsrud (2023). Conceptualizing and exploring change mechanisms in psychotherapy: The roles of common and specific change processes.
Nr. 27: Kari Halstensen (2023). Relational Processes. Addressing depressive conditions and the God relation in psychotherapy – a dual methods approach.
Nr. 26: Andreas Høstmælingen (2022). Conceptualizing and treating chronic depression: A naturalistic study of psychotherapy and combination treatment
Nr. 25: Malin Olofsson (2022). Eating pathology and change processes in eating disorders with childhood trauma: a patients’ perspective process-outcome study.
Nr. 24: Harald Bækkelund (2021): Complex trauma disorders – Understanding and treatment. A clinical trial of stabilizing group treatment for patients with PTSD and Dissociative Disorders
Nr. 23: Helge Toft (2020): Cytokines and psychiatric symptoms in patients receiving inpatient treatment: The relationship between changes in immune activation and symptoms of mental distress. A 12-week follow-up study of patients with mental health disorders.
Nr. 22: Tuva Kolstad Hertzberg (2018): En jobb å leve med? – en kvalitativ og kvantitativ studie blant norske leger om hvordan ønsket om å være en god lege utfordrer balansen mellom jobb og hjem
Nr. 21: Sverre Urnes Johnson(2018): Generic metacognitive therapy and disorder-specific cognitive behavioral therapy for comorbid anxiety disorders: Outcomes and mechanisms of change.
Nr. 20: Ingunn Amble (2016): Will patient feedback improve Quality and Outcome in Psychotherapy? Implementation and validation of the online feedback system OQ®-Analyst in Norway: A multi-site RCT study
Nr. 19: Tuva Øktedalen (2015): Are trauma- related shame and guilt part of the PTSD construct?
Nr. 18: Ellen Jepsen (2014): Inpatient treatment of early sexually abused adults: Dissociation and outcome.
Nr. 17: Lene Berggraf (2013): Growth in affects, sense of self, sense of others and improved interpersonal functioning. Studies of processes of change in short-term dynamic and cognitive psychotherapy provided for cluster C personality disorders.
Nr. 16: Pål Ulvenes (2013): Understanding affect in psychotherapy: A process study.
Nr. 15: Gry Stålsett (2012): Existential and religious issues in psychotherapy: Development and evaluation of a new integrative treatment model (VITA) for comorbid depressive disorders.
Nr. 14: Finn Magnus Borge (2011): Residential cognitive and interpersonal treatment for social phobia. https://www.duo.uio.no/handle/10852/18023
Nr. 13: Terje Tilden (2010): The course and outcome of dyadic adjustment and individual distress during and after residential couple therapy. https://www.duo.uio.no/handle/10852/27917
Nr. 12: Karin E. I. Rø (2010): Emotional exhaustion and distress after a counseling intervention for physicians. A three-year prospective longitudinal cohort study. https://www.duo.uio.no/handle/10852/27903
Nr. 11: Solfrid Bratland-Sanda (2010): Physical activity in female inpatients with longstanding eating disorders.
Nr. 10: KariAnne R. Vrabel (2010): A five-year prospective follow-up study of longstanding eating disorders. Influence from personality disorders and child sexual abuse.
Nr. 9: Øyvind Rø (2005): Short term outcome of longstanding eating disorders.
Nr. 8: Liv M. Hedley (2003): The role of cognitive variables in panic disorder with agoraphobia.
Nr. 7: Tore Gude (2001): Treatment response and one-year outcome in patients with anxious (Cluster C) personality disorders. A prospective follow-up study after three months’ in-patient psychiatric treatment.
Nr. 6: Leif Gunnar Engedal (1999): Ecco Homo: En studie av psykovitenskapelige identitetsteorier med særlig henblikk på identitetsbevaringens konstituerende elementer og de metateoretiske forutsetningenes funksjon i teoriutviklingen.
Nr. 5: Hans Stifoss-Hanssen (1996): Seeking meaning or happiness? Studies of selected aspects of the relationship between religiosity and mental health.
Nr. 4: Eystein Kaldestad (1995): The relationships among religiosity, personality and mental health. Development and standardizing of assessment instruments, and empirical studies of such relationships.
Nr. 3: Asle Hoffart(1990): Agoraphobia: Its relation to externality and depression and its response to an integrated behavioral-psychodynamic treatment.
Nr. 2: Egil W. Martinsen (1989): Physical fitness training in the treatment of patients with non-psychotic mental disorders.
Nr. 1: Hans Jørgen Holm (1988): Agorafobier: En klinisk psykiatrisk studie og etterundersøkelse.