Doctoral dissertations

Since its inception in 1985, several doctoral dissertations have been published by the Research Institute on the topics of anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, trauma disorders, physical activity and mental disorders, couple and family therapy, doctors’ health, and existential themes / religion psychology. Within these areas, Modum Bad has developed solid academic competence.

Nr. 32: Hanna Punsvik Eielsen (2024). “Longstanding eating disorders and personality disorders, mediators for 17-year long-term outcome”

Nr. 31: Omid Vakili Ebrahimi (2024). “The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Critical Incident and its Impact on Depression”

Nr. 30: Kristoffer J. Whittaker (2024). Do couples and families with histories of trauma need tailored therapy?
Read more about the doctoral project here.

Nr. 29: Ingrid Marie Taxt Horne (2024). Understanding peer support for doctors 
Read more about the doctoral project here.

Nr. 28: Ingvild Finsrud (2023). Conceptualizing and exploring change mechanisms in psychotherapy: The roles of common and specific change processes.

Nr. 27: Kari Halstensen (2023). Relational Processes. Addressing depressive conditions and the God relation in psychotherapy – a dual methods approach.

Nr. 26: Andreas Høstmælingen (2022). Conceptualizing and treating chronic depression: A naturalistic study of psychotherapy and combination treatment

Nr. 25: Malin Olofsson (2022). Eating pathology and change processes in eating disorders with childhood trauma: a patients’ perspective process-outcome study.

Nr. 24: Harald Bækkelund (2021): Complex trauma disorders – Understanding and treatment. A clinical trial of stabilizing group treatment for patients with PTSD and Dissociative Disorders 

Nr. 23: Helge Toft (2020): Cytokines and psychiatric symptoms in patients receiving inpatient treatment: The relationship between changes in immune activation and symptoms of mental distress. A 12-week follow-up study of patients with mental health disorders.

Nr. 22: Tuva Kolstad Hertzberg (2018): En jobb å leve med? – en kvalitativ og kvantitativ studie blant norske leger om hvordan ønsket om å være en god lege utfordrer balansen mellom jobb og hjem 

Nr. 21: Sverre Urnes Johnson(2018): Generic metacognitive therapy and disorder-specific cognitive behavioral therapy for comorbid anxiety disorders: Outcomes and mechanisms of change.

Nr. 20: Ingunn Amble (2016): Will patient feedback improve Quality and Outcome in Psychotherapy? Implementation and validation of the online feedback system OQ®-Analyst in Norway: A multi-site RCT study 

Nr. 19: Tuva Øktedalen (2015): Are trauma- related shame and guilt part of the PTSD construct?

Nr. 18: Ellen Jepsen (2014): Inpatient treatment of early sexually abused adults: Dissociation and outcome.

Nr. 17: Lene Berggraf (2013): Growth in affects, sense of self, sense of others and improved interpersonal functioning. Studies of processes of change in short-term dynamic and cognitive psychotherapy provided for cluster C personality disorders.

Nr. 16: Pål Ulvenes (2013): Understanding affect in psychotherapy: A process study.

Nr. 15: Gry Stålsett (2012): Existential and religious issues in psychotherapy: Development and evaluation of a new integrative treatment model (VITA) for comorbid depressive disorders.

Nr. 14: Finn Magnus Borge (2011): Residential cognitive and interpersonal treatment for social phobia.

Nr. 13: Terje Tilden (2010): The course and outcome of dyadic adjustment and individual distress during and after residential couple therapy.

Nr. 12: Karin E. I. Rø (2010): Emotional exhaustion and distress after a counseling intervention for physicians. A three-year prospective longitudinal cohort study.

Nr. 11: Solfrid Bratland-Sanda (2010): Physical activity in female inpatients with longstanding eating disorders.

Nr. 10: KariAnne R. Vrabel (2010): A five-year prospective follow-up study of longstanding eating disorders. Influence from personality disorders and child sexual abuse.

Nr. 9: Øyvind Rø (2005): Short term outcome of longstanding eating disorders.

Nr. 8: Liv M. Hedley (2003): The role of cognitive variables in panic disorder with agoraphobia.

Nr. 7: Tore Gude (2001): Treatment response and one-year outcome in patients with anxious (Cluster C) personality disorders. A prospective follow-up study after three months’ in-patient psychiatric treatment.

Nr. 6: Leif Gunnar Engedal (1999): Ecco Homo: En studie av psykovitenskapelige identitetsteorier med særlig henblikk på identitetsbevaringens konstituerende elementer og de metateoretiske forutsetningenes funksjon i teoriutviklingen.

Nr. 5: Hans Stifoss-Hanssen (1996): Seeking meaning or happiness? Studies of selected aspects of the relationship between religiosity and mental health.

Nr. 4: Eystein Kaldestad (1995): The relationships among religiosity, personality and mental health. Development and standardizing of assessment instruments, and empirical studies of such relationships.

Nr. 3: Asle Hoffart(1990): Agoraphobia: Its relation to externality and depression and its response to an integrated behavioral-psychodynamic treatment.

Nr. 2: Egil W. Martinsen (1989): Physical fitness training in the treatment of patients with non-psychotic mental disorders.

Nr. 1: Hans Jørgen Holm (1988): Agorafobier: En klinisk psykiatrisk studie og etterundersøkelse.