Ingvild Finsrud, Ph.D.

Academic Affiliation

Psychological Department, University of Oslo

Research project

Finsrud´s thesis Conceptualizing and exploring change mechanisms in psychotherapy: The roles of common and specific change processes was a collaboration between Modum Bad Research Institute and Institute of Psychology, University of Oslo. The project was part of the Modum Bad psychotherapy processes research and specifically aimed to examine central mechanisms of change, both common factors and specific change processes (such as emotional and cognitive), in order to acquire a better understanding of how change occurs. The study was examined patterns of change across different types of psychological disorders and treatment orientations. The study applied self-report data from the Modum Process-Outcome Questionnaire (M-POQ).

Research interests

Psychotherapy process, outcome, and integration; moderators and mediators of treatment effects; the therapeutic alliance, and therapist training and development; therapist effects; psychotherapy personalization; common/transdiagnostic treatment factors; short-term dynamic therapy.


More publications:

List of all publications from Modum Bad

International Collaborators

Project team

Pål G Ulvenes, Clinical Psychologist, PhD, Head of Department, Modum Bad, Supervisor 

KariAnne Vrabel, psykologspesialist, PhD, Forskningleder, Modum Bad [Linke til KariAnne Vrabels side]

Bruce Wampold, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin 

Helene Nissen-Lie, psykologspesialist, professor, Universitetet i Oslo

Project Team at Modum Bad

Depressive disorders:

Ingunn Bjarnadottir  Solberg

Ingunn Bjarnadottir Solberg

Specialist in general medicine


Ingvild Finsrud, Ph.D.

Ingvild Finsrud, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist

Mikkel Eielsen

Mikkel Eielsen

Medical Doctor


Linne Melsom

Linne Melsom

Clinical Psychologist


Pål Gunnar Ulvenes, Ph.D.

Pål Gunnar Ulvenes, Ph.D.

Klinikkleder / Førsteamanuensis II Universitetet i Oslo

Head of Clinic, Associate Professor at University of Oslo

Clinical Psychologist

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