Mikkel Eielsen

Academic Affiliation

Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo.

Research project

In this project we aim to develop and establish the validity of a new psychodiagnostic self-report questionnaire for psychotherapy patients receiving Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP). This project will make use of expert psychodiagnostic evaluations and self-report data on fragility, repression, resistance, syntonic defenses and self-observing capacity from a newly developed ISTDP psychodiagnostic questionnaire. The study uses data collected at start of treatment at Norsk Psykologklinikk’s three specialized ISTDP outpatient clinics as well as data collected at start and end of treatment at the depression unit, Modum Bad.

Research interests

Short-term dynamic therapy, Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) chronic depression, emotions in therapy, deliberate practice and therapist training.




More publications:

List of all publications from Modum Bad

International Collaborators

Allan Abbass, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University

National Collaborators

Filip Myhre, Specialist in Clinical Psychology, The Norwegian Institute for Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (NI-ISTDP)

Project team

Mikkel Eielsen, Medical Doctor, Ph.D. Candidate, Modum Bad 

Pål G Ulvenes, Clinical Psychologist, PhD, Head of Department, Modum Bad, Supervisor 

Linne Melsom, Clinical Psychologist, Ph.D. Candidate, Modum Bad 

Jan Ivar Røssberg, professor, Universitetet i Oslo

Bruce Wampold, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin 

Project Team at Modum Bad

Depression and affective disorders:

Ingunn Bjarnadottir  Solberg

Ingunn Bjarnadottir Solberg

Specialist in general medicine


Ingvild Finsrud, Ph.D.

Ingvild Finsrud, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist

Mikkel Eielsen

Mikkel Eielsen

Medical Doctor


Linne Melsom

Linne Melsom

Clinical Psychologist


Pål Gunnar Ulvenes, Ph.D.

Pål Gunnar Ulvenes, Ph.D.

Klinikkleder / Førsteamanuensis II Universitetet i Oslo

Head of Clinic, Associate Professor at University of Oslo

Medical Doctor


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