The Norwegian COVID-19 Mental Health and Adherence Project – Mental morbidity trajectories
Categories: Research project

The Norwegian COVID-19, Mental Health, and Adherence Project (MAP-19) is a large-scale project organized by Modum Bad Psychiatric Hospital and the Department of Psychology, UiO and is a part of COPE (Complexity in treatment Outcome, Psychopathology and Epidemiology) research group.

Xinkai Du
Xinkai Du is a PhD student specialized in longitudinal data analysis. His areas of interest include (Dynamical) Networks, Structural Equation Model, multivariate data analysis, intensive longitudinal data analysis and psychometrics. Currently, he’s using his statistical toolkit to understand the trajectory of population mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic.
About the Project
The Norwegian COVID-19, Mental Health and Adherence Project (MAP-19) project is a large-scale longitudinal epidemiological investigation examining the connection between non-pharmacological interventions (NPIs) employed against the SARS CoV-2 virus and mental health symptoms in the general adult population. The project further investigates the role of personality, contextual pressures, and psychological mechanisms tied with adherence to concurrently employed NPIs and viral mitigation behaviours.
The project aims to:
- Investigate the psychological consequences of the government-initiated measures instated against COVID-19.
a) We hypothesize that the level of anxiety and depression will change according to the status of government-initiated measures. - Investigate how different subgroups are affected by the government-initiated measures. a) We hypothesize that those without work, psychiatric problems, positive COVID-19 test, parents, and health-personnel are more affected.
- Investigate the structure of common psychological symptoms in the general population and health-care professionals and public service providers (i.e., social workers: NAV) through network analysis, with the aim of investigating key and central symptoms related to burnout and mental health disease in this vulnerable group.
MAP-19 is one of the largest longitudinal investigations of mental health and adherence in the adult population globally, consisting of a landmark cross-disciplinary project in the intersection between clinical psychology and psychiatric epidemiology. The project includes 24 months of repeated measurements on the general adult population, including 9 main waves of data collection, and a total of 49 waves of data collection during its 24-month period. A follow-up will be conducted in the autumn of 2022. Since the start of the pandemic, the project has followed a group of participants (> 10,000) through various phases of the pandemic.
The project is funded by Helse Sør-Øst.
The project collaborates with Sacha Epskamp, PhD, from the National University of Singapore.
Contact Information
Project Manager: Sverre Urnes Johnson, Professor, Clinical Psychologist, PhD, Modum Bad, University of Oslo, Supervisor
Project Contact: Xinkai Du
You can also reach us through the Modum Bad telephone service: 32 74 97 00.
Project team at Modum Bad
Project participants
Sverre Urnes Johnson, PhD, Professor at the University of Oslo and Clinical Psychologist at Modum Bad Psychiatric Center
Omid Ebrahimi, Ph.D candidate at the University of Oslo and Clinical Psychologist at Modum Bad Psychiatric Center
Asle Hoffart, PhD, Senior researcher at Modum Bad Psychiatric Center and Professor II at the University of Oslo.
Helga Ask, PhD, Senior researcher and the leader for the Norwegian COVIDMENT core group
Ragnar Nesvåg, PhD, Psychiatrist and Department director at Norwegian Institute of Public Health