Academic Affiliation
Department of Psychology, University of Oslo.
Research project
The Norwegian COVID-19, Mental Health and Adherence Project (MAP-19) project is a large-scale longitudinal epidemiological investigation examining the connection between non-pharmacological interventions (NPIs) employed against the SARS CoV-2 virus and mental health symptoms in the general adult population. The project further investigates the role of personality, contextual pressures, and psychological mechanisms tied with adherence to concurrently employed NPIs and viral mitigation behaviours. The project is also part of the large international consortium (COVIDMENT) which is a collaboration across six nations. The candidate is expected to work with the full spectrum of the COVID-19 data, but with a special focus on longitudinal modeling, network analysis and the use of registry data.
Research interests
Clinical Psychology; (Dynamical) Networks; Structural Equation Model; Multivariate data analysis; Intensive Longitudinal Data; Psychometrics
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International Collaborators
Sacha Epskamp, Associate Professor, PhD, Director of Research, National University of Singapore, Co-supervisor
Project team
Xinkai Du, Ph.D. Student, Modum Bad, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo
Sverre Urnes Johnson, Professor, Clinical Psychologist, PhD, Modum Bad, University of Oslo, Supervisor
Sacha Epskamp, Associate Professor, PhD, Director of Research, National University of Singapore, Co-supervisor