Senior Researcher, Clinical Social Worker, Family Therapist, PhD.
Academic Affiliation
None. Holds teaching assignments for Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.
- Leading a multicenter RCT project in couple and family therapy related to the implementation and use of the feedback system STIC in collaboration with The Family Institute at Northwestern University, Illinois, USA. Main supervisor for PhD candidate Rune Zahl-Olsen (completed in 2020) in this project. There is potential to write several articles based on these data.
- Main supervisor for PhD candidate Kristoffer Whittaker, who will defend his thesis in February 2024. The thesis is related to data from the Family Department, Modum Bad, with a special focus on the significance of trauma in connection with the outcomes of couple and family therapy.
- Main supervisor for a master’s student in psychology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Completed December 2023.
- Project leader for EASIER (EASIER – couples), a collaborative project between Modum Bad (Family Department), Institute for Psychological Counseling (IPR), and the Psychological Institute, University of Oslo, with two PhD candidates using data from patients at the Family Department, Modum Bad. Main supervisor for PhD candidate Joanna Rzadkowska in this project.
- Project leader for a social anthropological project (Halvard Vike and Heidi Haukelien) to examine the specific characteristics of the treatment context at Modum Bad (completed).
- Project leader for a health economics study with data from Modum Bad conducted in collaboration with the Section for Health Economics, Project Coordination, and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures, Department of Research Support for Clinical Studies (CTU), Oslo University Hospital.
- Participation in a group writing scientific articles on basic assumptions in systemic couple and family therapy, and so far four articles on such topics have been published in both Nordic and internationally recognized journals in the last two years. More is in progress. This group consists of PhD candidate Kristoffer Whittaker, Jan Stokkebekk, PhD, Professor Lennart Lorås, and others.
- Regular contributor to Vårt Land’s relationship panel.
Research interests
Couple and family therapy at the Family Department, Modum Bad:
(a) Research on the relationship between individual symptom distress (e.g., depression and trauma) and severe relational issues within the couple or family.
(b) Factors contributing to desired change during treatment and maintained after treatment completion.
(c) Understanding reasons why couples and families do not experience desired change as a result of treatment at the Family Department, and the implications this should have for changes in the treatment approach. This research is highly relevant to the focus that should be in therapy, given that the patient group at the Family Department is characterized by such a combination of disorders. Several scientific articles on this topic are in progress.
- Doktorgradsavhandling (2010). The course and outcome of dyadic adjustment and individual distress during and after residential couple therapy. Dissertation, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo.
- Tilden, T. (2014). Parterapi. I: L. E. O. Kennair og R. Hagen (red.): Psykoterapi. Kapittel 15, (s. 267-283). Gyldendal Akademisk.
- Tilden, T. (2017). Forskning på parterapi. (Kapittel 7 s. 93-108), og Kognitiv parterapi. (Kapittel 27 s. 399-408). I: Ottar Ness (red.), Parterapi. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
- Tilden, T. (2017). Kognitiv parterapi. I: Ottar Ness (red.), Parterapi. (Kapittel 27 s. 399-408). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
- Tilden, T. (2017). How do I know whether my efforts are helpful for the client? Implementing feedback in Norway. I: T. Tilden og B. Wampold (red.), Routine outcome monitoring in couple and family therapy – The empirical informed therapist. (Kapittel 1 s. 3-13). Cham, Sveits: Springer.
- Barstad, B., Opstvedt, H., & Tilden, T. (2017). Empirically informed therapy conducted at the Family Unit at Modum Bad. I: T. Tilden og B. Wampold (red.), Routine outcome monitoring in couple and family therapy – The empirical informed therapist. (Kapittel 9 s. 173-187). Cham, Sveits: Springer.
- Håland, Å. T. & Tilden, T. (2017). Lessons learned from the implementation of a feedback systems in couple and family therapy. I: T. Tilden og B. Wampold (red.), Routine outcome monitoring in couple and family therapy – The empirical informed therapist. (Kapittel 12 s. 211-224). Cham, Sveits: Springer. Springer.
- Tilden, T. & Wampold, B. E. (2017). Epilogue. I: T. Tilden og B. Wampold (red.), Routine outcome monitoring in couple and family therapy – The empirical informed therapist. Springer. (Kapittel 16 s. 283-287). Cham, Sveits: Springer.
- Tilden, T. (2017). Kunnskapsmangfold høres fint ut – uansett? 10. mars 2017. Hentet fra Internett 11.12.2017:
- Toft, H, Lien, L., Neupane, S. P., Tilden, T., Wampold, B., Bramness, J. G. (2017). PTSD patients in treatment show increasing cytokine levels despite of symptom relief. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 66, Supplement, November, page e12, doi: 10.1016.j.bbi.2017.07.055.
- Tilden, T., & Barstad, B. (2018): The Family Unit at Modum Bad. I: J. Lebow, A. Chambers, and D. C. Breulin (eds.), Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Theapy. Springer International Publishing. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_625-1.
- Tilden, T. (2018). Das Tandem-Projekt in Modum Bad. Ein Erfahrungsbericht über die Integration von Forschung in die klinische Praxis. Familiendynamik 320-330, Doi: 10.21706/fd-43-4-320
- Tilden, T. & Johnsen, A. (2018). Familieterapi i voksenpsykiatri: Dilemmaer og muligheter. Fokus på familien, 46(3), 169-170. Doi: 10.18261/issn.0807-7487-2018-03-01.
- Toft, H., Neupane, S. P., Bramness, J. G., Tilden, T., Wampold, B. E., & Lien, L. (2018). The effect of trauma and alcohol on the relationship between levels of cytokines and depression among patients entering psychiatric treatment. BMC Psychiatry 18:95. Doi: 10.1186/s12888-018-1677-z.
- Toft, H., Bramness, J. G., Lien, L.., Abebe, D. S., Wampold, B. E., Tilden, T., Hestad, K., & Neupane, S. P. (2018). PTSD patients show increasing cytokine levels during treatment despite reduced psychological distress. BNeuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 14, 2367-2378. Doi: 10.2147/NDT.S173659.
- Tilden, T. (2019). Kognitiv familieterapi. I: L. Lorås og O. Ness (red.) Håndbok i familieterapi. Kapittel 27 (s. 369-381). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
- Tilden, T., og Evenseth, M. S. (2019). Systematiske tilbakemeldinger i familieterapi. I: L. Lorås og O. Ness (red.) Håndbok i familieterapi. Kapittel 5 (s. 61-69). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
- Toft, H., Lien, L., Neupane, S. P., Abebe, D. S., Tilden, T., Wampold, B. E., & Bramness, J. G., (2019). Cytokine concentrations are related to level of mental distress in inpatients not using anti-inflammatory drugs. Acta Neuropsychiatrica. Doi: 10.1017/neu.2019.36.
- Zahl‐Olsen, R., Håland, Å. T., Gausel, N., Wampold, B., & Tilden, T. (2019). Change in work functioning from pre‐ to post‐treatment in feedback‐informed Couple and Family Therapy in Norway. Journal of Family Therapy,
- Zahl-Olsen, R., Gausel, N., Zahl-Olsen, A., Bertelsen, T. B., Haaland, Å. T., & Tilden, T. (2019). Physical couple and family violence among clients seeking therapy: identifiers and predictors. Frontiers Psychology – Psychology for Clinical Settings, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02847
- Tilden, T., Theisen, M., Wampold, B. E., Johnson, S. U., & Hoffart, A. (2020). Individual distress and dyadic adjustment over the course of couple therapy and three-years follow-up: A replication study. Psychotherapy Research, 30(3), 375-386. Doi:10.1080/10503307.2019.1645369
- Tilden, T., Wampold, B. E., Ulvenes, P., Zahl-Olsen, R., Hoffart, A., Barstad, B., Olsen, I. A., Gude, T., Pinsof, W. M., Zinbarg, R. E., Nilssen, H. H., & Håland, A. T. (2020). Feedback in couple and family therapy: A randomized clinical trial. Family Process, 59(1), 36-51, doi:10.1111/famp.12485.
- Tilden, T. (2020). The idiographic voice in a nomothetic world. Why client feedback is essential in our professional knowledge. I: M. Ochs, M. Borcsa, og J. Schweitzer (red.), Systemic research in individual, couple, and family therapy and counseling. Springer. (s. 385 – 399). Cham, Sveits: Springer.
- Tilden, T., og Barstad, B. (2020). Familieterapi. I M. T. Gonzales (red.) Psykiske lidelser – faglig forståelse og terapeutisk tilnærming. Sykepleiefaglige og flerfaglige perspektiver (s. 390-390). Oslo: Gyldendal.
- Toft, H. P., Lien, L., Neupane, S. P., Abebe, D. S., Tilden, T., Wampold, B. E., & Bramness, J. G. (2020). Cytokine concentrations are related to level of mental distress in inpatients not using anti-inflamatory drugs. Acta Neuropsychiatrica. 32(1): 23-31. DOI:. 10.1017/neu.2019.36
- Johnson, S. U., Hoffart, A., Tilden, T., Toft, H., Neupane, S. P., Lien, L., & Bramness, J. G. (2020). Circulating cytokine levels in the treatment of comorbid anxiety disorders. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, First View , pp. 1 – 7,
- Toft, H., Bramness, J., Tilden, T., Bolstad, I., and Lien, L. (2021) Persistent level of mental distress in PTSD patients is not reflected in cytokine levels 1 year after the treatment. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 1–7. doi: 10.1017/ neu.2021.11
- Tilden, T., Johnson, S. U., Hoffart, A., Zahl-Olsen, R., Wampold, B. E., Ulvenes, P., & Håland, Å. T. (2021). Alliance predicting progress in couple therapy. Psychotherapy. Advance online publication.
- Tilden, T., Ulvenes, P., Zahl‐Olsen, R., Hoffart, A., Johnson, S. U., Wampold, B. E., Håland, Å. T. (2021). Predicting change through individual symptoms and relationship distress: A study of within‐ and between‐person processes in couple therapy
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, DOI: 10.1002/cpp.2575. - Whittaker, K. J., Johnson, S. U., Solbakken, O. A., Wampold, B., & Tilden, T. (2021). Childhood trauma as a predictor of change in couple and family therapy: A study of treatment response. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. Advance online publication.
- Tilden, T., & Ulvenes, P. G. (2021). Bruk av tilbakemeldingssystem. I: P-E. Binder, L. Lorås, og F. Thuen (red.), Håndbok i individualterapi (s. 73-88). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
- Tilden, T., & Vrabel, KA. (2021). Fellesfaktorer i psykoterapi. I: P-E. Binder, L. Lorås, og F. Thuen (red.), Håndbok i individualterapi (s. 89-103). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
- Zahl-Olsen, R., Håland, Å. T., & Tilden, T. (2021). Data on the individual problems and strengths scale from the systemic therapy inventory of change. Clinical samples from Norway. Data in Brief (39), December, 2021.
- Tilden, T. & Whittaker, K. J. (2022). Using ROM in family therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1 – 13.
- Whittaker, K. J., & Tilden, T. (2022). Integrativ systemisk terapi: Metateori og psykoterapeutisk praksis. Fokus på familien, 50(3), 190-206.
- Tilden, T., Solem, M-B., Thuen, F., Lorås, L., Stokkebekk, J., & Whittaker, K. (2022). Å ta empirien på alvor v.2.0. Fokus på familien, 50(4), 315-333.
- Lorås, L., Whittaker, K., Stokkebekk, J., & Tilden, T. (2023). Researching what we practice: The paradigm of systemic family research: Part 1. Family Process, 62 (3), 947–960.
- Whittaker, K., Stokkebekk, J., Lorås, L. & Tilden, T. (2023). Researching what we practice – The paradigm of systemic family research: Part 2. Family process, 62 (3), 961-975.
- Tilden, T. (2023). En forskjell som gjør en forskjell, v. 2.0. Fokus på familien 51(3), s. 175-196
- Tilden, T. (2023). Hvilken nytte har vi av modell? Fokus på familien 51(4), 270-292.
- Tilden, T., Solem, M-B., Thuen, F., Lorås, L., Stokkebekk, J., & Whittaker, K. (2024). Taking empirical knowledge seriously v.2.0. Journal of Family Therapy, online version, pp. 1-14.
- Tilden, T., Borge Skakstad, M., Borcsa, M. & Whittaker, K. (2024). Ein Beispiel aus Norwegen. Best Practice durch die Integration von Forschung und klinischer Praxis. In Borcsa, M. & Wilms, B. (Hg.) Systemische Therapie. Anwendungsbereiche in der psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutischen Versorgung (pp. 261-278). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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List of all publications from Modum Bad
National Collaborators
Avdeling for barn og unges psykiske helse (ABUP), Sørlandet Sykehus, Kristiansand.
International Collaborators
Family Institute, Northwestern University, Illinois, USA.